In a move surprising no one except perhaps Susan Collins, the US Supreme Court has decided that women aren't people - they are baby incubators.
I knew this was coming and it was still a shock. A friend of mine is looking for marches and demonstrations to attend. I just feel...despair.
Not just despair - of course I am angry - but I don't see how my anger can do anything when justices appointed for life have ruled on this.
This may be one of the 5 stages of grief, but I find myself thinking how very weird this all is. We talk about constitutionality - when our constitution was written by men who thought it was okay to own people. Is the right to an abortion constitutional? The question itself is ludicrous as the constitution was written by men - some of which may have had an option on this, but many of whom had probably never considered it (because it wasn't their problem.
I'm not even going to talk about the guns.
FWIW - though I am sure there are a large number of creeps who think that women are just baby making machines, I suspect that a good portion of the right wing politicians who have banged this drum have done so in the service of "Let's You and Her Fight" (So their corporate sponsors can co back to robbing us all in peace) This does not make me feel any better, however.
I'm almost 50, so getting an abortion is less likely to be my problem than it is to be my niblings problem - but that doesn't make this less of an affront. It is still an affront to women's bodily autonomy. Anyone who thinks this decision is isolated and won't have repercussions elsewhere is far up de Nile.